by Constantin von Hoffmeister
The spirit of Thule, the myth of Thule - the Black Sun, the White
race. The Aryan Adonis hailed in secret whispers in closed dark
in basements where dwell the remnants of a once popular sect,
reviled, banished and, like lepers, sick to their grisly bones.
to bow in front of an altar that has been tarnished with the blood
millions and millions of their fellow White race crusaders, soldiers
in vain fighting their brothers in pain. Sayeth the soothsayer
red: "Seen the bloody crusader carousing through a rebellion
righteous revulsion, rebellious recognition that all that was
is what
should be, altered, morphed into a projection of a psyche that
- flux
through flux! - has evolved and regressed, advanced and devolved.
pity the shame brought on the lame! The sickly sent their children
die in exploits of exploration while at home the elderly ruled.
Tomorrow a repetition will mean disaster, will spell nostalgic
Sails set on ships bound for the outer rims will not glide smoothly
but be hindered by obstacles obstinately created by Thulean
terrorists." And was the soothsayer speaking words of wisdom?
ey, mate!, the rule!, the book!, we must go by the book! THE book?
Ay! THE book! But THE book has to be rewritten! It has to contain
pearls AND swine, the glittering and the earthy, the risen and
fallen. Lucifer spread his wings once, his tail now tucked neatly
into a hidden pocket in his black coat - strolling down the bricked
street, Lucifer (now the devil) wishes well to those who followed
path of development - from celestial to mundane, from wishing
well to
spelling gall. Bitter, forlorn, Lucifer and his Thulean minions
march into a future that was never theirs, propagating the disturbing
distortions of an inverted heaven: Destruction termed good and
creation termed bad, survival of the lying tops the procreation
the productive. Where ruleth the mob aristocracy? The soothsayer
sayeth: "In terms of black, white and red, changes have been
and executed. The black, as a color always uniformed, has been
transferred to a new post, far outside the bounds of the snowy
and the ice-capped mountains of Inverness, to patrol in split-eyed
seconds the villages where dissent might still murmur. The white
been chosen to be the color not of truce but of regret, and therefore
it has been abandoned altogether. The red is, was and will be
color of anger boiled to meat torn apart. It stays with us, here
far ahead." And thus it is and shall be.
Part II
Jaques de Mahieu (veteran of the Waffen-SS Division Charlemagne)
argued that once the Vikings founded a great empire in Latin AmeriKa.
These Vikings were the blonde sun gods that the Aztecs still hallucinated
about centuries later when Hernan Cortes (another sun god) came
to slaughter these skraelings. Ullmann from Silesia first arrived
in the Gulf of Mexico in 967. After conquering the empire of the
Toltecs, he ruled it for twenty years. After Ullmann and his faithful
followers returned from an expedition to the Yucatan (where he
introduced high culture), he found that the White warriors, who
had remained in his empire, had mated with skraeling women. "Little
mestizos" were "the fruits of these couplings."
Ullmann was saddened by this wanton act of mass racial defilement
and left Mexico. Ullmann and his faithful followers then crossed
Venezuela, Guatemala and Colombia. Everywhere they went, they
left outposts of Aryan civilization (rune inscriptions, temples
and settlements). After he reached Peru, Ullmann founded a large
empire that reached from Valparaiso in Chile to Bogota in Colombia.
Ullmann's White knights were surely the founders of the great
cultures in Latin AmeriKa. After the large Viking empire fell
(because of a skraeling invasion), the remaining White knights
became the ruling class of the Incas.